Holistic Midwifery Care for the Childbearing Years
Our services
Midwifery care is appropriate for healthy, low-risk pregnant women and their babies.
Preconception + Interconception
Includes a thorough physical exam, optional health and infectious disease screenings, nutrition and fertility consultation.
Prenatal visits last for up to 60 minutes, and occur monthly until the third trimester when they get closer together. Around 36 weeks of pregnancy we will visit your home to see your birth space and supplies in preparation for your birth. You will have access to your homebirth supply list as soon as you are signed up with us. Prenatal visits are a fun time to get to know each other, build relationships, and check in with you and your baby. At each visit, there will be time for you to voice any questions and concerns you may have, as well as checking blood pressure, fundal height measurement, and fetal heart rate.
A licensed midwife and at least one trained assistant will arrive at your home when you suspect you are in active labor. We will stay with you for the duration of labor and birth, regularly monitoring you and your baby. As long as all is well, homebirth can be in any position, in any room, in water or on land, with anyone present who you wish - we understand that we have the honor of being invited into your space - and we are happy to support your wishes! After birth we quietly take vital signs, repair lacerations if needed, and ensure that mom has been able to breastfeed, eat, and use the toilet. We also do a thorough head-to-toe newborn exam on baby. We are usually at your home between 2 and 4 hours after the birth. After cleaning up and packing our equipment and confirming that both mom and baby are healthy and happy, we tuck in the new family and encourage lots of good rest and baby snuggles!
Postpartum + Newborn
We return to your home between 24 and 48 hours to check in on mom and baby. We’ll take vital signs, discuss any questions or concerns, and complete the birth certificate paperwork and newborn screening tests. We come back again for a postpartum visit between days 3 and 7 to assess how everyone is doing, and then we see you again at 6 weeks for a final postpartum visit.
Planned Hospital Birth Support
If you prefer to labor and birth in a hospital, but would like to have concurrent midwifery care and skilled labor support, we are happy to discuss monitrice services with you.
“Giving birth should be your greatest achievement, not your greatest fear.” ~ Jane Weideman
“When you change the way you view birth, the way you birth will change.” ~Marie Mongan, Hypnobirthing
”If I don’t know my options, I don’t have any.” ~ Diana Korte
“There is a secret in our culture, and it’s not that birth is painful. It’s that women are strong.” ~ Laura Stavoe Harm